Ultimate Rifle Primer Pocket Squaring Tool Small pocket- PMA - Lapua Specific
The Lapua Small Rifle Primer Pocket Squaring Tool is sized specifically for the tight primer pockets on Lapua 220 Russian, 6BR and 6.5x47 Lapua Brass, now includes a hex driver.
Consistent ignition is critical to consistent accuracy. Beyond choosing the correct components, the best way we can affect ignition is to make sure our primers are seated firmly and consistently shot to shot. The easiest way to make this happen is by uniforming primer pockets. By uniforming we mean to make them all the same, this does not mean making them all shiny at the bottom and it does not mean making them flat there either. A uniform primer pocket is flat and square where it counts, where the cup meets the brass. This tool does just!
Our second-generation primer pocket tool ships pre-set to our preferred depth but are also adjustable to enable the user to square the bottom corners of the primer pocket of brass. This operation gives the primer a square corner to seat against encouraging consistent ignition. It is not intended to "cut" brass flat all the way to the bottom of the primer pocket as this would be too deep for consistent ignition and could lead to misfires. It is also used to clean the primer pocket after subsequent firings of the brass and to prevent the pocket from becoming too short or irregular.
The small primer pocket in Lapua brass for the PPC, BR and 6.5x47 presents it's own set of problems. We love that they are tight, but they are also on the deep side. Over the years we've struggled with finding the perfect uniformer for tackling these issues, so we set out to make the world's best small primer pocket uniformer for Lapua Brass.
The PMA Ultimate Lapua Small Rifle Primer Pocket Uniformer is a lot pricier than others on the market, but when comparing uniformers features matter. The features built into the PMA Ultimate Uniformer are the result of years of experience and advice from some of the top shooters in Benchrest.
PMA Ultimate Uniformer Features:
- Small Diameter Cutting End - most uniformers are over-sized by .0015" - .003" in diameter. This prematurely loosens the primer pocket.
- Depth - most uniformers fall short of uniforming Lapua Rifle Primer Pockets. The Ultimate Uniformer uniforms the bottom corners and will cut some of the bottom as well, without making the primer pocket deep enough to have a negative impact on ignition.
- 1/2" Diameter Shank - the large 1/2" shank prevents the uniformer from digging into the base of your cases
- Solid Carbide - no adjustments to be made and no chance of losing adjustment
- Includes handle and power screwdriver adapter or use by itself in 1/2" chuck
- Cushioned, silicone gripping area for comfort and grip
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